Hi, I’m Sarah.

I was born in the middle of a frozen snowstorm in Calgary, Alberta some years ago. I was the queen of the castle as the first born in a close family, until my reign was quickly ended by the birth of two younger siblings and 110 cousins. I reluctantly learned to share and was put to work babysitting at a young age, thus my early foundation of leadership, multitasking and negotiation abilities...

Around the same time, I developed a lisp (which wasn’t great considering my name is Sarah) and began to understand my love of art and design, which, spoiler alert, I eventually went on to pursue academically in receiving my Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of British Columbia.

I had a few stops before landing in Toronto in 2019, and along my journey I learned a few things about myself. I am fascinated by people, their behaviour and cultural interests and have a passion for ideating solutions that innovatively communicate narratives and experiences

I am, and always will be a lifelong student. If I don’t know it, I will research it, and learn it.

Finally, I have a strong belief that email was created in response to moms not knowing that text messages are actually meant for concise, direct communication, and not multiparagraph narratives.

I am always interested in meeting new people, a good brainstorming session and collaborating on new projects.

Contact me at sarahekapp@gmail.com

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